Wednesday, November 7, 2012


 If there is one thing that I have come to appreciate and love more than ever it’s my girlfriends. Surviving female friendships can be hard. I truly believe that saying “people come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime.” (click here to read). It is up to us to figure out which they are.

For the sake of this post, I’m talking about those girlfriends that are here for a lifetime. They are the ones that are there for the good, the bad, and the times you can’t even get out of bed. The ones that can see the massive mistake you are about to make and despite their best efforts to warn you, you make it anyway. It is because of these girlfriends that you can stumble through life so fearlessly, knowing that, no matter what; they will be there to catch you. They are also that one’s whose love and support can come in the form of a 2X4 to the head. They give tough love when it’s need and have this uncanny ability to talk you out of a funk or off a ledge. They say the things you don’t want to hear, but give you the encouragement to succeed. In return, you do the exact same for them, no questions, no conditions.

It can be hard to find girlfriends like this.

I have been blessed to have some of these kinds of girlfriends in my life. This year has been full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and I don’t know where I’d be without them, so to them, I say thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for pushing, pulling and peeling me off the floor, even when I felt like there was nothing left. Thank you for joining in the celebrations and love with a 2X4, because Lord knows, stubborn is my middle name at times. I love and appreciate each of you. I’m thankful every morning that we are in each other’s lives and look forward to the many years ahead, despite distance, space and time. I am the woman I am because of you. 

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